Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The countdown is on!

With only 2 weeks left to register and a little over 4 weeks until the second running of the Burleigh County Cup there are some things to be covered. First off if you have not yet registered you can still get in. All you have to do is follow these simple instructions:

Purchase or make a post card and write this info on it:

Your Name
E-mail Address
Distance class (35 mile Sippy Cup or 75 Mile Burleigh County Cup)

Send them to:

BCC / Tyler Huber
1451 Omaha Drive
Bismarck, N.D. 58504

Simple as that. The event is free to all participants, thanks to our awesome sponsors (we'll be covering that great group of folks in a separate post in a few days). Then show up at Eagles park (just north of Bismarck, N.D. on 1804 see map) on Saturday May 11th for the fun. We will email all individuals registered to confirm you are registered as well as post a list on this blog for you to check and contact us if you do not see your name. This year  we again have the Eagles park campground for the entire weekend, and everyone is welcome to stay there (free of charge) on Friday night before the race and also Saturday night following. Saturday night people tend to camp out and have a good time around the campfires, and we encourage this. We will have a postride meal provided by local sandwich experts North Side Market. There will also be post ride beer available for the 21+ provided by The Sports Page bar and McQuade distributing, along with prizes donated by our genrous sponsors and awards for top finishers of the day. For those wanting to wash up after the race the Ramada of Bismarck has generously donated rooms for riders to clean up in. There is also a block of rooms set aside at the Ramada for those who will not be camping out Saturday night or driving home.

A few things to make sure you have for race day:

1 - Properly calibrated cycling computer - This is a mapped out route, and you will want this to determine the distance in between turns. Sure you can try to follow the pack, but some roads are double backed on and looking for tire tracks may result in your getting lost. Have a cycling computer on your bike and ready to go.

2 - Cue card holder - You will be given cards with the map of directions on them the day of the ride. You can stuff them in your pocket or bag, but having one of these makes life and the ride a lot easier.

3 - Drop bag - If you are doing the 75 mile option you will be able to surrender a drop bag that we will be hauling to the midway point for you to have access to. Keep these small, and pack them with items to re-fuel.

4 - Extra parts - Having an extra tube and pump is just common sense. What about an extra chain link or a multi tool though? Carrying a heavy load stinks, but not as bad as walking 30 miles back to the park.

That's all for now. Email any and all questions you have to


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